Latest News at Herefordshire Care Homes

Dementia Action week 15th-21st May

Dementia Action Week (15-21 May) is an awareness raising campaign Each year the Alzheimer’s Society works with individuals and
organisations across the UK to encourage people to ‘act on dementia’. This year
the theme is timely diagnosis. Today at Highwell House we invited friends and
family to come and join our Dementia Cafe
We chatted about dementia, raised awareness on what charities are trying to achieve and we signposted families to community support groups. We gave out purple ribbons to wear and we enjoyed a fabulous quiz. It was a lighthearted and fun afternoon but one which carried a special message.

Here's just a few pictures of what the residents have been up to

Herefordshire Care Homes celebrates Kings Charles III  coronation 

The whole of Herefordshire Care Homes residents and staff celebrated this wonderful event from watching the coronation, to parties and the big help out. 

A fantastic long weekend was had by all.

Highwell House Employee of the month

Employee of the month for March goes to the whole Night Care Team Night duties are challenging, yet the whole team on nights at Highwell House work with skill, empathy and commitment. The residents report that they feel safe at night knowing the team are on hand to support them in which ever way they need. Meenu is just one of this brilliant team, kind, caring and passionate about the work that she does. Meenu also told me this week about her plans for professional development and would I support her? Absolutely I will! Thank you to each and everyone of the wonderful Night Care Team, you are all amazing and worthy winners of this award 


Charnwood off on their travels again

This afternoon John, Pauline and Dorothy took a lovely drive up through Hay in Wye and the mountains. They heard about the outing last week and thought it would be lovely to go too. On returning they all commented on how enjoyable it was, especially as we got to see a beautiful peacock on our journey

Coldwells House Celebrated a belated Mothers Day

Today we have loved celebrating a belated Mothers Day with a gorgeous afternoon tea, accompanied by some of the residents family and friends which made it extra special.

We enjoyed scones with clotted cream and jam, homemade cupcakes made by our fabulous cook Julie and plenty of cups of tea and coffee served by our amazing staff. 

The evening ended with all residents receiving gifts of a vase with daffodils and pretty handmade favours made by gardener, Steve’s wife.

Perfect end to a lovely spring day. Happy Residents and a Happy Home. 

Thanks to all who visited today. We hope you enjoyed yourselves. 


